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Integration of immigrants through ICT-based solutions

DEN is implementing the socio-economic impact assessment and is coordinating the dissemination, communication and ecosystem building activities of the MediaFutures  project.

MediaFutures, a new data innovation hub bringing together startups, SMEs and artists to solve challenges in the media value chain to expand on standard models and come up with unconventional ways to engage with quality journalism, science education and democratic processes. It aims to create products, services, digital artworks and experiences through innovative, inclusive and participatory applications of data and user-generated content. MediaFutures supports 51 startups and SMEs, and 43 artists across three Open Calls for applications, distributing a total amount of €2.5 million. Successful applicants receive funding, mentoring and training. The project will also develop a Data Innovation Toolkit Resources for entrepreneurs and artists, and everyone working in-between business and arts, to help them use a variety of methods to widen participation in Artificial Intelligence. MediaFutures is part of the S+T+ARTS ecosystem .

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951962.

Project duration: 1 September 2020 – 31 August 2023

Publications :
Passani, A., De Rosa, S. (2021), MediaFutures Impact Assessment Framework
Firus, K., et al. (2021). MediaFutures Dissemination and communication strategy and instruments
Firus, K., et al. (2021), D5.3 – Intermediary dissemination report v1



Modernising the European book publishing industry

In the MÖBIUS  project DEN is leading the development of the MÖBIUS framework and design principles. In particular, DEN coordinates the user requirements collection activities for the integration and development of the blueprint of MÖBIUS technologies. DEN is also in charge for the design and development of the criteria, the process and the tools that will be used to evaluate and measure the project activities, hypothesis, results and impact. The impact assessment, as well coordinated by DEN, will be structured as a co-design process and will see the high involvement of all project partners.

MÖBIUS aims at remodeling the traditional value chains and business models of European book publishing by embracing the prosumers’ potential as valuable contributors, drivers of new products and services, including new enriched media experiences. The project will build a prosumer intelligence toolkit, develop a prosumer business model and create the MÖBIUS book, a 3D audio and binaural reproduction of the reading experience and audiovisual content.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957185.

Project duration: 1 March 2021 – 29 February 2024



Integration of immigrants through ICT-based solutions

DEN is in charge of the impact evaluation as a partner in the REBUILD  project. REBUILD aims at improving migrants and refugees’ inclusion through the provision of a toolbox of ICT-based solutions. This should enhance both the effectiveness of the services provided by local public institutions and the life quality of the migrants. The project follows a user-centred and participatory design approach, aiming at properly addressing real target users’ needs, ethical and cross-cultural dimensions, and at monitoring and validating the socio-economic impact of the proposed solution. DEN is also involved in the co-creation process.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 822215.

Project duration: 1 January 2019 – January 2022

Publications :
Passani, A.; De Rosa, S.; Forlenza, D.; Agnese, P. (2020). REBUILD mid-term impact assessment. REBUILD H2020 project
Passani, A.; De Rosa, S.; Trino, N. (2020). REBUILD zero (baseline) scenario. REBUILD H2020 project


Highlighting the central role of citizens and civil society in the definition of environmental protection and climate action

DEN is leading and coordinating the communication and dissemination of the i-CHANGE Innovation Action. The main objective of I-CHANGE is to raise awareness on climate issues through the direct collection of environmental and socio-economic data with novel and user-friendly tools (sensors, monitoring devices, simplified models and data resources). The promotion of a co-designed learning path aims to improve citizen knowledge of climate change related harmful impacts, and understand the role of nature-based solutions in mitigating impacts. A further step is to empower citizens with targeted and personalized tools (apps, best-practices) enabling behavioural and consumption shifts towards sustainable patterns. The result will be to generate citizen science activities based on a solid scientific foundation and supported by collection, gathering and processing of data using the most up-to-date techniques and models to provide simple and practical guidelines, easily applicable by individuals and by local governors and to facilitate further uptake at national level. The project establishes the framework for the strengthening of actions promoting lifestyle shifting focusing on individual choices, including cultural, generational and gender aspects. (e.g., weather and its extremes, air temperature, air pollution, existing nature-based solutions) using new individual sensors or improved devices.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037193.

Project duration: 1 November 2021 until 30 April 2025


Restoring physiological functions of organs through ICT implants

In the HeRMES  project, DEN is in charge of a policy analysis to investigate and inform EU regulations on ICT implants. In particular, DEN’s aim is to define the framework for policy analysis providing a deep review of current regulations on the use of ICT implants in order to provide recommendations for future policy development.

HeRMES aims at restoring the physiological function of organs of the human body by rebuilding or replacing the affected areas when canonical treatments have failed. With this, the project pursues the long-term vision of healing disabling brain disorders by means of brain tissue transplants, a reality that is only possible to date for other organs of the human body. The project is based on a new paradigm in regenerative medicine, aiming at overcoming the biological uncertainty inherent to it. It is rooted in the establishment of biohybrid neuronics (neural electronics), that is the symbiotic integration of bioengineered brain tissue, neuromorphic microelectronics and artificial intelligence.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824164.

Project duration: 1st January 2019 to 31 December 2024

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